
30 Years!!

That’s how long it took me to lose the baby weight that I gained when I was pregnant with my two sons. I tried my entire adult life to gain control of my weight and health, but it wasn’t until I was 52 and in menopause that I finally was able to succeed.

Between the photo of me (above) in the 1990’s, when I was raising my boys, and the photos in 2017, I tried every diet plan I could find.  Some of them were 21 Day Fix, Whole 30, The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, Weight Watchers, counting calories using calorie trackers and some I’ve forgotten the names of.  My bookshelf was lined with books for every diet out there, trying to find the one plan that would be the magic for me!!  I would lose and gain the same 20 – 30 pounds, over and over again!

I remember the day the shift happened. It was Memorial Day 2017. I saw a photo of myself at a family gathering and was disgusted with what I saw! I hated the way I looked in that photo and I determined that day that I had to do something about my weight! I couldn’t continue living with the shame I felt with how I looked or the increasing pain and exhaustion that was part of my daily life.

That day I started my journey to reclaim my health. I tried a variety of programs. It really comes down to eating whole foods and living a healthy lifestyle.  I lost the weight and I have finally learned to be content with my body and who God created me to be!  And most of my aches and pains are gone too!!

I am proof that you shouldn’t give up on yourself, even when you enter the season of menopause, and everything shifts. With proper diet and lifestyle changes, I believe that everyone can see positive improvements in their health.

I am passionate about helping other women who are approaching, or in menopause, improve their health so they can live a better quality life too!

I would love to be your guide and cheerleader because I have lived it and understand the struggle.